31 March - 27 April 2017

Project Name
What's in the box
Generate excitement and intrigue around the Galaxy S8 launch
Drive Galaxy S8 pre-orders
We created a series of Facebook Live events in which we unboxed a series of mystery objects, with our viewers trying to guess what’s inside. Each event was around an 1 hour long, and had 30-60 mystery items to be unveiled during that time. To assist viewers in their guessing, we added hints over time until someone guessed correctly. Once the correct answer was given, we unboxed the item, and then moved to the next sealed box.
This campaign was all about capturing the attention of people who wouldn’t usually be interested in a traditional phone launch. We set out to make unboxing interesting to a broader audience to bring them into the top of the funnel.
Millennials via Facebook, targeting 5:00pm - 6:30pm to reach them audience on the commute home.
It was a success! Engagement levels were exceptionally high, surpassing benchmarks and KPIs, in some instances by 400% (comments)
We know from looking at the engagement results that this was the right idea to engage and excite millennials around Galaxy S8
We achieved 95% positive sentiment –the audience loved the game and were excited by it
The game set-up was clean and premium and executed well
Social - Facebook Live events (~1 hour each)